
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Van Gogh and Matisse

Sunflowers by Van Gogh La Musique by Matisse

Matisse and Van Gogh

In room 21 our teacher Mrs Lagitupu has set us a task to compare and contrast Henry Matisse and Van Gogh's paintings. Henry Matisse is famous for his art style Les Fauves or Fauvism (Wild Beast). And Van Gogh's art style is Expressionism, and thats what he's famous for. The two paintings that we had to compare were Matisses 'La Musique' and Van Goghs 'Sunflowers'.

What I notice about the sunflower painting is that it has only a few colours. It has lots of yellow and brownish colours. It looks like some flowers are facing down. Maybe some of the sunflowers are dead because they look tired and droopy. The flowers are sitting in a pot. The pot also has yellow and brownish colours like the flowers.

Something I notice about 'La Musique' is that the lady with the guitar is wearing blue clothes on. And that she is with someone beside her who is wearing a yellow brownish dress. Also on the painting it shows a very good background that stands out. The background has large green leaves. It looks like the lady is playing the guitar to the musical notes on the floor.

The sunflower is different to the 'La Musique' painting because the colour from the sunflower is mainly yellow and the 'La Musique painting has lots of contrasting colours.


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